Meet Us in Omaha on Sept 26-27

Meet Us in Omaha Sept. 26 – 27

We’re winding down our trade show outreach for the year with the upcoming National Newspaper Association Foundation (NNAF) show, September 26 through 27, in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are unfamiliar with NNAF, its stated mission is “promoting news literacy, protecting the First Amendment, and enhancing the capabilities of community newspapers.”

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Lifeblood of Newspapers

Change Is The Lifeblood Of Newspapers

Chronicling change is central to almost every newspaper’s mission, but change is also why they still exist. The first record of a newspaper was in 59 BCE for elites of the Roman empire. Newspapers have been reinventing themselves ever since. Too many today want to characterize “newspapers” as monolithic dinosaurs

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One Search Ranking

How to Get a Page One Search Ranking

It’s Simple: Time, Effort, Budget, and Expertise.  Yet, achieving a top-ranking website on the first page is virtually impossible without all four. The mix and extent required of these four variables within the context of each website’s competitive landscape vary wildly. The more competitive the industry, the more each variable will

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Advertising Revenues

Are You Leaving Advertising Revenues on the Table?

“Fresh & Innovative” Solutions Bring Challenges The answer to that question is almost a certain “yes” if you head a daily, weekly, or monthly publication dependent upon local retail advertising revenues. As we wind down the hottest summer on record and turn the corner into September, it’s time to think

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Stop Kicking

Turnover – Stop Kicking the Can Down the Road

Personnel “turnover” on a design team can’t be addressed until it happens, right? In a literal sense, that is true, but in reality, viewing turnover that way is short-sighted and extremely problematic. Before the pandemic, design team turnover was averaging more than 25 percent. Now, after the “great resignation,” it’s

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150 Preston Executive Dr.
Suite 207, Cary NC 27513
B2, Capital Plaza, DP Road,
Hadapsar Pune 411028