Meet Us in Omaha Sept. 26 – 27

Meet Us in Omaha on Sept 26-27

We’re winding down our trade show outreach for the year with the upcoming National Newspaper Association Foundation (NNAF) show, September 26 through 27, in Omaha, Nebraska.

If you are unfamiliar with NNAF, its stated mission is “promoting news literacy, protecting the First Amendment, and enhancing the capabilities of community newspapers.” Show attendees come from a variety of roles, including community newspaper owners, publishers, editors, and senior staff.

The NNAF show will be our third show this year focused on our ad design and pagination/layout services. We began with the Association of Community Publishers (ACP) show in Norfolk, VA, and most recently exhibited in Charleston, SC, at the Association of Alternative Newsmedia show.

We take great pride in supporting such associations in their vital news-gathering and dissemination roles nationally and in their local communities. Show attendance and interactions reinforce the reality that no two newspapers and magazines are the same. Each has a unique focus, readership demographics, and roles they play within each of their communities.

Each newspaper and magazine also confront unique challenges, such as designer staffing through seasonal peaks, ongoing turnover issues, and, of course, ever-soaring costs for talent, hardware, and software. Adroitsquare eliminates these challenges while drastically reducing costs. We can’t wait to share more about our ad design and pagination/layout services. The show will be a great opportunity to reconnect with repeat attendees from last year in addition to making new connections this year.

Attendees are encouraged to contact us prior to the show and drop by our table when there. In addition to sharing our Adroitsquare story and services, we’ll be giving away a rolling travel backpack. This backpack has large capacity storage for anything you might need, accommodates a 17” laptop, and is perfect for business travel.

We hope to see you there, but if you can’t make it, contact us now, and we can schedule a short introductory call. 


Jon Latta
Director of Sales & Marketing

    150 Preston Executive Dr.
    Suite 207, Cary NC 27513
    B2, Capital Plaza, DP Road,
    Hadapsar Pune 411028